Welcome to your virtual journey thru the Woods. Our home shared with our Arabian Horses and Dalmatian Dogs.
We raise, show, and sell quality individuals. We are proud to be able to bring beautiful, loving partners together. Animals can enrich our lives in so many ways.
Rose'n Dal's Hot Rod
Arabian Woods proudly welcomes Roddy to our Family. Roddy is a 4 month old Dalmatian. Purchased from our friends at Rose'n Dal Dalmatians. He will start his show career in a couple of months.
Jim's 1967 GMC is For Sale
A cherried out truck to show
Rose'n Dals Distraction
Click Picture take a trip to Rose'n Dal Dalmatians' site
Jull's and Aysa
Jull's Born May 7th 2002
Our Arabians, and Dalmatians are the result of tried and true pedigree which can stand on its own.
The Arabian bloodlines in which we stay are from the Old Egytpian/ Crabbet lines found in the Arabian Legends book. Each line being traceable to the desert bred horses of long ago. Many legends such as Raffon+, *Raffles, Nazeer, Ofir, *Witez II, and *Bask ...just to name a few.
Leelah Rose (Prince Sikan X Aysa Gambler Rose)
First foal out of our lovely Aysa
Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sale and stud service information.